To most of the eCommerce store owners out there, WordPress and Shopify are simply two platforms that let you develop an eCommerce store. But, both these platforms vary in their functionalities entirely.
WordPress is viewed simply as a blogging tool but has now evolved to be an eCommerce platform. Basically, both these are almost similar in nature as they have a simple interface and cater small and medium-sized businesses. Both these provide website services to the users within an appropriate budget. Here, you will find the differences between both these so that you can find out yourself which one is better for your Gold Coast eCommerce store.
WordPress is a platform highly known for blogging. This platform can work with plugins and extensions for eCommerce. WordPress runs nearly 65% of the CMS websites on the internet.
WordPress is a pocket-friendly service with inbuilt user-friendliness and the open source nature. For eCommerce version, one extension namely WooCommerce is a very helpful platform for WordPress. For your WordPress website, WooCommerce may be a great option for turning it into an eCommerce website. WordPress has a limited selection of templates, out of which many are expensive. The WordPress is better only when your website heavily into blogging but, when turning your store into WooCommerce, your setup would be simple.
Shopify is an eCommerce platform and though it is already a hosted website. Hence, it enhances the security of the eCommerce website than the WordPress platform. The popularity of Shopify has been made due to a wide range of free templates to choose from. Shopify comes with unique functionality to make your eCommerce store easier to maintain the store.
Hence, Unless you already have a WordPress website, Shopify is more preferable and a better solution for anybody. It offers better security and better support, and a greater selection of templates.
There are chances that when having a WordPress website, you may be interested to go for Shopify for its features. But, only if you plan heavy blogging on your eCommerce store, WordPress is a great option.
Hope you got the clear idea about the eCommerce platform to be chosen by you. If not, Contact Alinga today for the finest Brisbane eCommerce developers as well as web design solutions.